4ft Storage Options *
Choose 4ft Storage Options Non Storage 2 Drawer (+£60.00) 2 Drawer Same Side (universal L or R side) (+£60.00) Jumbo End Drawer (+£60.00) 4 Drawer (+£120.00) Continental 2+2 Drawers (+£120.00) 4ft Side Lift Ottoman (+£230.00) 4ft End Lift Ottoman (+£260.00)
3ft Storage Options *
Choose 3ft Storage Options Non Storage 2 Drawer Same Side (universal L or R side) (+£60.00) 3ft Side Lift Ottoman (+£180.00) 3ft End Lift Ottoman (+£200.00)
4ft6 Storage Options *
Choose 4ft6 Storage Options Non Storage 2 Drawer (+£60.00) 2 Drawer Same Side (universal L or R side) (+£60.00) Jumbo End Drawer (+£60.00) 4 Drawer (+£120.00) Continental 2+2 Drawers (+£120.00) 4ft6 Side Lift Ottoman (+£230.00) 4ft6 End Lift Ottoman (+£260.00)
5ft Storage Options *
Choose 5ft Storage Options Non Storage 2 Drawer (+£60.00) 2 Drawer Same Side (universal L or R side) (+£60.00) Jumbo End Drawer (+£60.00) 4 Drawer (+£120.00) Continental 2+2 Drawers (+£120.00) 5ft Side Lift Ottoman (+£260.00) 5ft End Lift Ottoman (+£290.00)
6ft Storage Options *
Choose 6ft Storage Options Non Storage 2 Drawer (+£60.00) 2 Drawer Same Side (universal L or R side) (+£60.00) 4 Drawer (+£120.00) Continental 2+2 Drawers (+£120.00) 6ft Side Lift Ottoman (+£310.00) 6ft End Lift Ottoman (+£340.00)
Standing at end of bed facing the headboard do you want the ottoman to open at:
* Choose Standing at end of bed facing the headboard do you want the ottoman to open at: Left Hand Side Right Hand Side
Assembly & Disposal Options *Disposal includes up to 5 pieces & the item must be disassembled
Choose Assembly & Disposal Options *Disposal includes up to 5 pieces & the item must be disassembled No Disposal or Assembly Disposal (+£50.00) Assembly (+£60.00) Assembly & Disposal (+£100.00)